Monday, June 16, 2014

Don't Judge This Book by Its Cover. Seriously. This Book Doesn't Suck.

I know.

You are looking at the cover of "Finding Jordie" and you're thinking, "WTF?  When did she start reviewing Harlequin romances?"

I haven't. This is just  really, really bad cover that gives a really, really bad impression of HJ Harley's writing.    

I have no idea why the covers look like Fabio got his best bro a modeling gig.  Or frankly, why Fabio himself didn’t do it.  But rest assured, this story is not set in the 18th century. Nor does anyone actually wear clothes straight out of a Seinfeld episode.  

Quite the contrary.  “Finding Jordie” is fabulous.

From a no-holds-barred heroine with the mouth of a sailor, to a movie star hero looking to find someone to fill the void, this book kept me interested from the very beginning.    It isn’t just your typical romance story.  Throughout the book, Ms. Harley adds an element of mystery and suspense.  That’s not easy to do in a book about finding love.  But she does it.  And she does it well.

Now, I’m not gonna lie.  I figured out “who done it” long before “it” was actually done.  But that didn’t change the fact that how everything went down still had my heart pounding, my jaw open and me reading as fast as I could.  It was thrilling.  And I loved every second of it.

There were a few editing glitches here and there.  But nothing too serious.  And certainly nothing that would change my recommendation.  In fact, I recommend you download this book.  Like, now.  Why are you still here?  Go get it by clicking here.

This debut novel is a SOLID