Monday, November 30, 2015

Be Prepared - Kathryn Perez is about to Gut You

A while back I wrote a review on Kathryn Perez's book, "Therapy".  In that review, I compared Ms. Perez to Al Pacino and how he is an amazing actor.   I stated that none of his movies will ever compare to "The Godfather", just like none of Ms. Perez's books will ever compare to "Therapy".

I am now eating my words.

"Letters Written in White" exceeds all expectations I had on what Ms. Perez could do with words.  It is brilliant and tragic and beautiful and ugly.  It is a story of every woman and a story of just one.  It is a masterpiece.

The story follows Riah after her death.  She must come to terms with the mistakes she made in her life before she can truly find herself resting in peace.  We watch as she sees the life she left behind, her husband, her children, her neighbors, and the impact her death has had on them.

While Ms. Perez's writing has always been beautiful, "Letter's Written in White" takes it to the next level.  And don't get me started on the formatting.  

Ok, yes...let's discuss that.  The letters our heroine writes in the book are actually written in white on a black background.  The result is not only stunning visually, it makes the words that much more emotional.

"Letters Written in White" is not an easy read.  I wept through a good 75% of it.  But it is almost a necessary read for anyone who has struggled with depression and thought the world would be better off without them.  Because this book gives us a glimpse into the reality of that thought.  The heartbreaking, tragic reality.

I cannon stress enough how important I think this book is.  Grab your tissues, a bottle of water and a quiet place to read.  Then click here to get it and dive in.

You will be gutted.

You will be destroyed.

But you will see the ugly truth of suicide.  And it will make you a better person for it.

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