Saturday, May 24, 2014

About Me

Hello.  I’m Author Stalker Chelle and it’s my blog you are reading.  Well, mine and my friend Katy.  She’s the one who has been pushing me to do this.  She’s also the one who does all the graphics because technology isn’t really my friend.  At all.

I could tell you I’m really excited about starting this endeavor. But the truth is, I’m terrified.  Like, REALLY terrified.  Like I kind of hope no one ever reads it, terrified.

You see, I’ve never made it my goal to be a book blogger.  I just love books.  That’s it.  I don’t have a favorite genre (although I do hate horror with a passion).  I just love reading.  It’s my escape.  It’s my joy.  It’s my relaxation.  It’s my hobby.  And it has led me to “my peeps”.  People who totally understand why I’m going to cry like a baby when I meet Jasinda Wilder (I wanna be that glam when I grow up) or why I completely clam up when I’m standing in front of Griffin Peterson (what can I say…he dazzles me).
But I don’t want to tell you about all the big named authors.  You already know them.  And you’ve probably already read all their books. 

No.  I wanna introduce you to the unknown authors.  The ones who have such amazing story telling skills that you can’t help but 1-click their entire series because you MUST KNOW WHAT HAPPENS WITH THE CHARACTERS OR YOU WILL DIE!!!   I wanna tell you about the authors who have poured their hearts and souls into their books and never get the recognition they deserve.

Authors like:                                                                                
Mara Jacobs
Nina Lane
Brenda Rothert
Kristie Cook

Those are just a few of the amazing authors I have discovered through chance and now try to read EVERYTHING they write. 

So here’s the deal…I am going to do my best to present you with something new and fresh.  I’m going to do my best to introduce you to authors you have never heard of.  If you are bored in your reading habits and are looking for something different, I’m going to do my best to present it to you.

The books I review won’t necessarily be new.  But they will be new to you.  And yes, everything I write about will be something I like.  My goal is not to find struggling artists and rip them to shreds.  My goal is to find the ones that have already mastered their craft and build them up.

Just as a disclaimer, there is one tiiiiiiny exception.  I’ll probably review Colleen Hoover’s books.  Can’t help it.  She is my one true literary love and is quickly turning into my friend.  So yeah, I won’t be able to help myself. 

Other than that, you meet someone you have never met before.
So without further ado…welcome to Diamonds in the Rough.

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